There when needed

The GBCDC will defend the Constitution of the State of California and the Constitution of the United States of American, to uphold and to defend the Bill of Rights, seen as unalienable, and given by our creator to free men that they may remain free, support the County Sheriff’s Departments and local law enforcement so long as the support is lawful, ensure that all citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, physical characteristics, or national origin, shall have the right and opportunity to due process of the law as established and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California.

  • WHO SHOULD JOIN? – All able-bodied, responsible persons in the community-men and women, housewives, laborers’ business and professionals’ people, the purpose of the program is to build a broaden the task and to have a program in place. And the time for such a plan is now with the 31st GBCDC.
  • HOW TO JOIN- If you are interested in joining, please email us at to volunteer your services and join the organization.
  • QUALIFICATIONS- Must be a US Citizen, must be a California State resident, able to pass background check through either buying ammo or a weapon.
  • DUTIES- There are a lot of duties that will be available once the person is on board and then we can talk about the job.
  • TRAINING- We will conduct training on Land Nav, Basic First Aid, Earthquake, Wildfire, Search and Rescue, Survival, Prepping, and weapons safety and shooting.
  • NEIGHBOR HOOD WATCH- We will also set up a neighborhood patrol within the neighborhoods.